Thursday, May 6, 2010

Week 3 of the 12 Week Challenge (in retrospect)

I'm still catching up with my posting, so here's what week 3 entailed.

The task was to define your business type and start your marketing strategy. As I've freelanced in the past, I already have my business type so I focused on the next task which ultimately begins with two lists.

The first list consists of 10 art directors/companies that you will submit your art to at the end of the challenge. List two is the 6 portfolio pieces you plan to make.

With the shear number of ideas and interests I have, I've found every step of this challenge to be truly a challenge. My initial list of companies consisted mostly of children's book publishers -- as I tend to think most of my work could be a good fit for that genre. My plan was overturned though after listening to Tara Reed's interview on the blog. I can't say that it's unusual for me to change my mind - but listening made me realize that my mindset about my work is much closer to a fit for licensing than standard book illos.

So with my paradigm shift hovering in the foreground I decided that list #1 needed to be completely redone. There are a ton of new options and venues to explore and in all honesty I think that list #1 may take me the full 12 weeks to accumulate.

As for list 2 here's what I posted:

Oddballs (character design & image set)
Chubs & Grubs (character design & image set)
'What I Want To Be' Trees (scene/possibly sequential illustration)
Holiday Dragons (character designs & image set)
set of Art Nouveau floral motifs (embroidery design)
series of editorial illustrations featuring high heeled shoes

I mentioned previously that I tend to change my mind 'just a bit' so I'm pretty curious myself to see if I hold true to this list in the coming weeks.

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