Saturday, March 5, 2011

Cover for The Last Legend - Final

...and I can check another project off the list! The book cover illustration for The Last Legend by K. Writerly (available soon on and is complete.

I rarely keep records of the exact time I spend on each piece, but I'm going to estimate that this took between 15-20 hours of hand painting in Photoshop. I am really in love with the new color mixer brush in CS5! All total I think I also created 6 new brushes for the texture work, which was quite a bit of fun to experiment with.

I'm pretty happy with the end result and I'd love to hear your comments.

Here's the finished illustration:

Here's the illustration with the book cover title, spine and flap design added in:

and here are a couple random detail clips:

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Cover for The Last Legend - In Progress

One of my very best friends, contacted me recently about doing some illustration work. With her permission, I am posting the progress I've made on one of the projects - a book cover/dust jacket.

The preliminary thumbnail:

and a sequence of progression following that:

As you can see from the progression, I still have quite a bit of work to do on the castle and there is a tree line/woods section that has yet to be added. I will be sure to post the completed image as soon as it's ready. In the meantime, now is your chance to visit the author's site: K. Writerly

Bookmark it, check out all her incredibly awesome stories and don't forget to buy a copy of The Last Legend as soon as it's available!