Monday, August 10, 2009

Dragon Mask - Step 1 Image

Originally, I was going to post a series of images detailing the process of this mask after it was complete. I've since decided that I may as well break up the posting.

I generally don't rush through making a mask, but I have to admit the sheer amount of time I spent thinking about this one before I even began was extreme. I'm pretty sure it counts in months and not days. Because this was such a departure to the masks I've done in the past I had to work out how I wanted it to conform to the face, how wide the bridge of the nose could be, where the eyes would be placed and how I was planning to decorate it - all before I even began!

The first step was to create a form I could use to drape the paper mache over. I used a cheap air day clay mounted on a giant easter egg of all things. (For anyone wondering, the easter egg has roughly the same size and over shape as the human face.) It worked well, although once I finally got my paper mache shaped the form I used broke. :(

The image below is what the paper mache mask looked like after it had been removed from the form and lightly sanded.

Step 2

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