Monday, January 25, 2010

Overwhelmed & Undervalued

For a while now, I've been contemplating taking my freelance work to a new level and trying to making a living at it full time. I have to admit the idea of setting my own schedule and not being limited to one place holds a great deal of appeal for me. So, in the interest of this pursuit I've been browsing through the sites online that offer 'help' for freelancers to find work.

To begin let me say that it's a sad state of affairs when you have to devalue yourself just to get a job. It seems to me after browsing through quite a few of these sites and even submitting bids myself that the only one who profits is the customer.

Just today I read a post for a full time graphic designer. This individual wanted one designer to work with him/her to create a php/mysql back end website and work on it exclusively. That's right 9-5, working on just this site and not being able to take any other jobs. The pay? $12 a day. Wow look out world I might managed to feed myself on that!

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