Wednesday, December 24, 2008

What's new

And now for the stream of consciousness post:

I've recently found myself enamored of a podcast called Craftypod. If you've never heard of it you can get it from itunes or right at the source

I finally finished all my Christmas presents. Just in the nick of time too...(bad pun intended)

I've also managed to convince myself that joining facebook was a good thing. I basically a hermit so I'm amazed that so many people have friended me.

I've discovered that Christmas lights are a real pain in the *** Does it take some sort of technical genius to work out how to get a strand relit or what?!

From the craftypod podcast I learned of a site called SpoonFlower that lets you design and print your own custom fabric. Not sure when I'll be using it, but I had to sign up.

More masks are in the works, although admittedly I'm slower than I should be in making them.

My vacation to Toronto is coming up soon and I'm a nervous wreck thinking about the traffic. I've never been there so driving is going to be stressful. I still have maps to make. Thank you google maps!

I've also been working on setting up another blog site. I don't know why really as it's not like I'm all that speedy updating this one, but I've got a bunch of space on my server so I figure I may as well use it, eh?

next time....Christmas the aftermath...


  1. Merry Christmas!

    You've joined facebook? I'll have to look you up!

  2. ooo am I sensing a new friend request in my future? sweet!
