The last couple of weeks have been pretty rough. My desktop power supply was fried during a storm, I caught a major cold that I'm still trying to kick, hit a deer with my car, fell holding my camera so now the anti-shake on the lens malfunctions and had to complete wipe the drive on the desktop after a virus issue. I've had the desktop back up and running for a couple days now and I think I've almost got all the software back on it. *sigh* Now, of course, both of my Seagate external backup drives are acting funny. I think I really hate Seagate. I need to try and find a high capacity Maxtor drive, the Maxtor I had never gave me a minutes trouble!
All this bad luck I've been having has got to be paving way for something good to happen. I hope so anyway!
Now that I've got all that off my chest, here are a couple of the latest sketches.

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