Business plan - check
Now it's time for some artwork!
The goals for weeks 4,5 & 6 was to create 2 pieces of art each week. I didn't get nearly as much work done as I'd hoped to, but I like what I have so it balances out.
I had a lot of art on my 'to do' list, but what I focused on in these weeks was a character group I've name the 'Ittles'. With the ultimate goal of licensing, I wanted to first make a character sheet for each one and then make patterns, and objects to mix with them to create sets.
I don't know what the norm is for a character sheet, but I decided to make four standard views of each character: front view, side view, back view and suprised.
So without further blathering... on to the art... (are you happy now Michelle?)

There are plenty of character sheets to go and one little guy that's not even on the line work page yet, still I'd be happy to hear what you all think about what I've got so far.