In step five I've started to add some detail into the head of the soon to be less-naked birdie.

What do I find when I open my little bag of bobbins? A huge mess!
The free ends have, of course, had plenty of time to intermingle and now I'm being sidetracked by untangling instead of getting on with my project of choice. I decided to fix the issue and this is what I came up with. All you'll need is one of those misbehaving bobbins and a piece of tape.
I'm using scotch tape, but I'm sure any kind will do.
Cut off a piece of tape and the fold one end over (sticky side to sticky side).
Then take your wayward thread end, lay it on top of your bobbin and place the remaining sticky part of the tape over it. The folded part of the tape will now act as an pull tab for easy removal and best of all no more loose ends!