Have you ever noticed that when you're completely swamped all the best ideas start springing forward? I think they lie in wait to jump in only when there's no time to actually implement them. The little buggers...
At this point I literally have books chocked full of ideas that I either haven't had the time or the motivation to implement. I think I might be starting to change that.
Creatively speaking, things have been going well for me as of late. Just today I had a new idea for a digital art style that I wanted to try! With any luck, I'll be finishing a post for Illustration Friday rather soon as well.
Ironically enough it's my complete dissatisfaction with my 9-5 that's fueling my little trip down the creative well. I've been tunneling a lot more energy into freelance work that 'low and behold' people actually appreciate having made! It's an interesting concept that as of late has left me feeling much better about myself.